Monday, July 25, 2011

Celebrating 11 years...Stone style

11 years ago Mr. Stone and I said "I do" in St. Thomas.  This morning while at work, I received an evite from Dustin.  It's the things like this that he does that remind me of how much I love him.  He cracks me up.  An evite...really?  Definitely something Dustin-esque!  Never a dull moment and a surprise a day.  And yes, I RSVP'd my 'yes'.

We celebrated with delicious steak, fresh asparagus, crab macaroni & cheese and a mouth-watering lobster bisque.

We'll continue the celebration next week during our cruise.  The Stone's will have their first "couples massage" - I know you're dying for that post!!

I love you, Dustin - thanks for always staying by my side.

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